We manage everything about materials and surfaces for residential and commercial interiors. From design through the selection of the right products and the installation to aftercare. Complete service for architects, designers and all our customers.

Floors and surfaces for exceptional interiors

Combine materials and colors to your liking

In our offer you will find over a thousand types of different materials, colors and designs. That's enough combinations to realize any of your ideas about the perfect interior.


Inspiration & innovation

Stěrky do koupelny. Výhody, které určitě oceníte

Prostory, které jsou v neustálém kontaktu s vlhkostí, vyžadují použití vhodných materiálů, které zvýší pohodlí, zlepší hygienické vlastnosti a samozřejmě vyhoví vysokým estetickým nárokům designérů a architektů. Není divu, že stále více z nich dává přednost kvalitním cementovým stěrkám právě v těchto náročných provozech. Přesvědčte se, proč si tento materiál zaslouží i vaši pozornost.

New Mediterraneo carpet. Luxury and nature in perfect harmony

Designers Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez come up with a new definition of luxury. Their fully recyclable carpet brings a touch of the Mediterranean not only to the interior and exterior of luxury yachts, but wherever comfort and elegance are combined with high demands for sustainability.

Revolutionizing Sustainable Design: OBJECT CARPET's DUO Technology

OBJECT CARPET revolutionizes the Berlinale 2024 with the sustainable DUO carpet! While Berlin will once again be transformed into a glittering film festival from February 15 to 25, OBJECT CARPET is writing a very special success story on the Red Carpet this year. As a proud sponsor of the Berlinale 2024, we are presenting the DUO-Carpet, a real gamechanger that not only impresses Hollywood stars and film fans, but also raises our ecological awareness in a sustainable way.

New BOCA e-shop with rugs, cleaning mats and other products

We decided to meet the wishes of our customers and launch an e-shop where we offer rugs, cleaning mats and other products that we have in stock immediately for collection/shipment. We will be continually updating the e-shop offer, so it is worth checking in from time to time to see what we have new.

Sisal carpets - a natural material with many benefits

Sisal carpets are a star in our assortment that practically never goes out of fashion. Whether it's rug of any size, long runners for hallways or staircases, or wall-to-wall carpets - the demand for this natural fibre is constant and trendless.

Expona floor – design contract vinyl

The range of vinyl flooring is huge and it is not easy to succeed with a new range on our market. We bet on the Expona brand from the German manufacturer objectflor, whose vinyl floors we have been installing for many years... and we' are fully satisfied with it.


We like to be a part of big things. Take a look at our work and let yourself be inspired by our completed projects.

View our references

Boca reference

We still enjoy discovering new possibilities

How do our beginnings relate to the largest rug in the world? Why does our family company today represent thirty leading world brands of all types of surfaces? And what experience can we offer in the realization of your projects? Get to know our story.

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